By appointment only
Open hours today: By appointment only
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08:00 - 12:0015:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 12:00
08:00 - 12:0015:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 12:00
By appointment only
By appointment only
15. March 2025 05:30 local time
Adenauerplatz 7, 33602 Bielefeld, Deutschland
Team of Doctors
- Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Volz
- PD Dr. med. Stefanie Volz-Köster
- Dr. Jessica Kaufmann
Single, 35-39
9. July 2022 at 11:55Which factors influenced your choice of the fertility clinic?
It’s easy to reach locally, they are always friendly and helpful, I immediately felt at home there
What treatments and examinations did you undergo or plan to undergo there?
Hormone status incl. Anti Müller was done, ultrasound examination, IVF, blastocyst transfer
What did you particularly like about the fertility clinic?
The staff were always friendly, whether on site or on the phone
What did you not like about the clinic?
Did the treatment result in a successful pregnancy?
Single, 30-34
9. July 2022 at 03:18Which factors influenced your choice of the fertility clinic?
Is easily accessible locally, co-operates with a particular sperm bank, recommendation from other patients, lack of alternatives
What treatments and examinations did you undergo or plan to undergo there?
Fallopian tube patency test, IVF, cryotransfer
What did you particularly like about the fertility clinic?
Uncomplicated and quick appointments, on site, costs within normal limits (clinic is no more expensive than others)
What did you not like about the clinic?
Do not work on Sundays and public holidays, 2 weeks vacation e.g. in winter / at Easter.
Did the treatment result in a successful pregnancy?
Single, 30-34
24. October 2021 at 18:38Which factors influenced your choice of the fertility clinic?
Is easily accessible locally, co-operates with a specific sperm bank, recommendation from other patients
What treatments and examinations did you undergo or plan to undergo there?
Only the IUI is performed at the clinic, an ultrasound is done beforehand and the exact time is determined, everything else is done by the gynecologist on site.
What did you particularly like about the fertility clinic?
That they are open to single treatment
What did you not like about the clinic?
the procedure of my first IUI, but we can still talk about it
Did the treatment result in a successful pregnancy?
Not yet, but I’m still undergoing treatment
Single, 30-34
13. August 2021 at 23:11Which factors influenced your choice of the fertility clinic?
Is easy to reach locally, has few hurdles (e.g. no guarantee person), has transparent costs
What treatments and examinations did you undergo or plan to undergo there?
What did you particularly like about the fertility clinic?
Atmosphere, friendly staff and doctors
What did you not like about the clinic?
Did the treatment result in a successful pregnancy?
Single, 35-39
11. August 2021 at 16:22Which factors influenced your choice of the fertility clinic?
Is easily accessible in terms of location, is easily accessible in terms of time
What treatments and examinations did you undergo or plan to undergo there?
Hormone status, all sonos, tubal patency test, laparoscopy, several IUIs, IVFs incl. 2 cryos, third IVF planned
What did you particularly like about the fertility clinic?
Good rapport with the doctors, I like the open and honest manner
What did you not like about the clinic?
Did the treatment result in a successful pregnancy?
Not yet, but I am still undergoing treatment
Single, 35-39
11. August 2021 at 13:10Which factors influenced your choice of the fertility clinic?
Is easily accessible in terms of location, is easily accessible in terms of time, cooperates with a specific sperm bank, has transparent costs
What treatments and examinations did you undergo or plan to undergo there?
IUI, IVF, hysteroscopy, ultrasound, hormone treatment, puncture, scraping
What did you particularly like about the fertility clinic?
Good contact with patients. Broad knowledge. Surgery directly at the clinic. Everything was done on site
What did you not like about the clinic?
Did the treatment result in a successful pregnancy?